I’d love to hear from you

Please fill out the form so that I can learn a bit about you and your wedding plans. I will get back to you as soon as possible and arrange an online meeting to discuss your ideas and needs. Then we can discuss everything further and make the most of your special day.

You will hear from me in a few days. If for any reason that doesn’t happen, feel free to contact me by phone or WhatsApp at +49 176 7611 8553.

Hochzeit in Norddeutschland, Elopement, intim wedding, intime Hochzeit

One more step

Please use the calendar to reserve a slot for our non-binding online meeting, so we can talk about your ideas and desires.

I look forward to speaking with you!

If you don’t hear from me within the next two days, please contact me at
+49 176 7707 8483.

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